  • Uncomplicated and straightforward
  • Small steps to begin with, leading up to a grand finale
  • Build your applications with high confidence and trust
  • Connect with others who share your views and ambitions for support and inspiration
  • The CrossmarX Application Platform enables you and your customers to grow your business

Affordable custom software solutions

CrossmarX offers a low-code platform for business process automation. Tailored to small and medium-sized organizations. Particularly in the healthcare, education, culture, and non-profit sectors.
The platform is an alternative for large organizations where customization is too expensive or uncertain, standard packages do not fit and the better-known tools are becoming too rigid and expensive.

A powerful low-code platform
  • 100% web-based. Enabling everyone to contribute in small effective teams
  • A rich set of features available "out of the box"
  • Instantly adaptable applications to meet new insights
For small and medium-sized organizations
  • Over 100 successful applications in this domain
  • License and hosting prices suited to the budgets of small and medium-sized organizations
  • A supportive and accessible partner with a passion for its target audience
For large organizations
  • Develop quickly and jointly with IT department and application managers.
  • Smoothly implement integrations (links) with other systems or external services.
  • Concrete results with clear development and licensing costs.
  • On premise.
With effective support for development partners
  • Onboarding program
  • Development support services
  • Partner community


  • Maximize your opportunities for success

    Take advantage of the step by step procedures to build your application and apply new insights on the fly
  • Low code effort and more time to be creative

    Invest your valuable time in modeling and less in software development. Emphasize user functionality over technical issues.
  • Clear development process

    The relevant application components are accessible and available to all stakeholders.
  • Customer centric process

    No wasted effort on technology issues. Jointly develop the ideal application together with your customer and expand your market.
  • Choose the collaboration that works for you

    Take charge of your work. Engage your customer in development efforts. Leverage experts and partners in the CrossmarX network. Or take advantage of CrossmarX's expertise and resources to accelerate your deliverables.
  • 3 times winner of RAD Race

    Join our world and become a low code champion. Rapid Application Development on the highest level.


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